Episode 8

Q: Wondering what your opinions and thoughts are on using cannabis while pregnant? Did you use it while pregnant? If you did, what was your experience at the hospital after giving birth?

If you would like to be featured on the podcast, submit your question here: www.thestonermom.com/ask or call: 720-739-1533 & leave me a message! Your audio question might make its way onto the podcast!


The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.


  1. I used cannabis for both my pregnancy. My first pregnancy i didnt even know i was pregnant until 2 days before going in to labor. With no prenatal care I got called cps on but was let off because I was dealing with pcos a hormonal issue and was told I might be able to have a baby 2 yrs before that. Then with my second I tried to stop but smoking helped easy the pregnancy plus Im a diabetic and it helped me eat. Of course this time around I had prenatal care appointments and I delivered my second baby just fine with no issues at all
    Both of my daughters are healthy and happy and meet all there mental and health milestones with no issues
    I live in Indiana where smokeing is illegal but Ive held a job for 12 yrs and take care of my family weed for me is more of a help when i dont feel good do to being diabetic

    • With the pcos i was told i might not be able to have kids