Blogging, marketing, branding, and online business. In this episode, we get stoned and talk about our stoner empire and how we are obsessed with working for ourselves.

Let’s Talk BizNass!!

Online business and marketing is one of my honest-to-god favorite topics to yak endlessly about. I believe very strongly that there is room online for everyone to build a successful and fulfilling business. I would love to spend more time talking about this kind of stuff, especially since I can be somewhat unintelligible when stoned.

In Episode 34 of Mom + Dad are Stoned, we:

  • talk a little bit about our personal strengths and failings in the workplace
  • go over the basic path for starting a web based business
  • cover the different ways to monetize your online life
  • the secret to new ideas and copying others
  • our genuine love and admiration for Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump impression

Hope you guys enjoyed this episode! Got questions, comments, or topic requests? Have a question for David about cannabis cultivation? Have business related questions? Email us!

If you want to help support the growth of this podcast, please consider rating and reviewing Mom and Dad are Stoned in iTunes. Or, you can “Like” our Facebook Page!

Next week is a great one! We will share our best tips for stoner parents! Yay! Until then, thank you for listening, lovely talking to you, and please remember to be safe, be responsible, be kind, and smoke weed ‘erry day!

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The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.

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