Meet a Stoner Mom | The Many Faces of Parental Cannabis Use

In my Meet a Stoner Mom series I’m introducing you to the many faces of maternal cannabis use. Big ups to these brave parents for submitting their answers! If you want a chance to be featured as a Meet a Stoner Mom, fill out the form at the end of this post.

This month meet Desiree, a mom, and stepmom who uses cannabis to enhance her parenting and marriage. Desiree is a recreational user with pretty much my exact daily/weekly stoner schedule. This may be the first time I’ve featured a purely recreational user, and guess what? You can smoke pot for pleasure and still be an awesome mother, stepmom, and partner. Meet Desiree!



How many kids do you have and what age range are they?

I have three kids age 8, 7 and 3

Why do you use cannabis?

My husband and I use cannabis recreationally to relax and have us time. I have insomnia so it helps me sleep. I also have PCOS and never have a sex drive so cannabis helps us have a great sex life and it also helps me be more patient, understanding, and appreciative to/of my children, husband and really anyone I encounter.

How open are you about cannabis with your kids?

We are very open. I know that it is frowned upon to let your kids see you smoke but we allow our kids to see us smoke on a regular basis. For example, while they are in the pool my husband and I will sit on the porch and medicate. The kids have a great understanding and they see it just like any other medicine. But they also know that it is illegal where we live because people don’t understand yet how great of a medication it is and that it is a medicine only for adults. My 7-year-old daughter told me that she likes when I take my medicine because it makes me more patient and I can understand her point of view better.

What does your daily stoner schedule look like?

I have recently started working and so my schedule has changed. I now medicate before work, during lunch, and when I get home my husband and I smoke as we feel we want/ need to and on our off days we smoke as we please. We’ve noticed that we tend to do so much more fun family activities when we take the time to medicate.

How does cannabis affect your parenting?

It makes me a much better parent. I’m more patient, kind, understanding, and appreciative of their point of view.

What do you wish more people understood about cannabis use?

That it’s just a medicine and a damn good one.


Submit your answers for a chance to be featured! (Dads, grandparents, and guardians welcome!)

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The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.

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