Sometimes I just want to smoke cannabis and talk about the news, my “stories” ie. celebrity gossip, kids, stuff I’m reading, etc. Here’s what I’ll be covering in Coffee Talk:

  • news + “news”: what stuff is going to upset me today?
  • Consumption Junction: stuff I’ve been reading/watching/listening to/enjoying
  • Reflection + Planning: a take on the previous week or days, and a look at what I need to get done in the upcoming days
  • Actionable advice for a productive and stoned day


The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.


  1. Msshroom

    I have been almost been trolling your site and YouTube for a year now – omg. so great to see this morning ‘wake and bake’ vid! I love how you do a stream of conscientious; so what I think during my morning sesh! I think the next institution will be the heads of start ups that basically fail – who knows?!
    ;23 and 22:00
    I am still in slight shock that you smoke 2 1/2 bowls at 23-26% and then function? )original bowl, then reup10:23 and at 22:00!) (still giggling about the ‘stoner brain/mouth’ mid duration. I’m not a mom but Mad Respect for all the stoner moms out there. My sister is one and she’s amazing and raising 2 amazing kids in the Santa Cruz mountains here in CA.

    I also suffer from depression, but luckily live in a state that recognizes it, it’s GREAT to have cannabis to turn to instead of pharmaceuticals.