It’s Friday! Let’s Sesh!

Happy Friday friends! I missed you! Did you miss seshing with me? This is Friday Night Sesh, and tonight I’m celebrating the end of my tolerance break! Come join me to hear about my takeaways from my short vacation from THC. This is a stoney episode because let me tell you, that tolerance break worked. I also spend some time talking about our brief brush with COVID! Yes, it finally happened.

So friends, if you’re in need of a smoke buddy, that is me! Go grab your bong and hit play! Let’s sesh!


The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.


  1. I agree with you also on smoking and vaping. It just works better for me. Congradulations on your tolorence break, and getting back to normal. Thank you for another great sesh video. Maybe you and David can do one together again soon. Take Care

  2. Crystal O'Morrow

    May I ask what the blue vaporizer (?) you’re using is? Thx! Love your show!

  3. I definitely agree with everything you said on combustion vs. vaping. I wish it “worked” for me the same way smoking does but bottom line vaping just doesn’t get me high. I also vape way more product, probably because I’m trying so hard to get high hahaha. I want to try a tolerance break but when you said “uncontrollable rage” I felt that and I’m tbh my baseline is irritable so it might get weird.