
I’m trying to get back into the habit of taking pictures of my family. The divorce threw a monkey wrench in my personal photography game, taking away my confidence in documenting their lives. You know me, always trying to be respectful of them. Sensitive to their identities and such. Well, it’s been like two years now so I think I can go back to my old traumatizing, paparazzi ways.


Summer kicked off with the end of school. This years milestone was my youngest graduating Kindergarten at her prestigious school for advanced academics. She is my baby and I am deeply proud of her. She had a couple challenges here and there but handled her first year of school with courage and grace.


Shaking the principals hand.


During their performance of “First Grade, First Grade” (sang to the tune of New York, New York. #adorbs).



And with that Summer begun! The husband recently installed this swingset in the backyard and all four kids love it. They spend hours out there spinning and swinging, with Max the dog running under their feet. While they play I can hear them from the kitchen inside, or can observe them from above while relaxing on the deck, or can hangout in the yard proper, usually protected from the sun in my lanai.


My oldest swung at recess every day during the school year, so she’s delighted to be able to keep up with her favorite activity of swinging while reading a book. I don’t know how she manages it.


This one… needs to spin. She is good about spinning herself but will still call for someone bigger to spin her higher and higher, over and over and over again, Remember when you could do that? Once you become an adult spinning becomes totally out of the question. I get uneasy just watching her spin. And spin. And spin.


The lanai is a screened-in patio off the basement. It is perfect for letting Katya experience the outdoors without the risk of losing her fluffy, purebred ass.

And Max. Max is always nearby, to sniff your butt and step on your kids feet. God bless Max.June

Oh, and I found this gem on my camera. My son grabbed my DSLR off the bed and snapped this in manual mode. Gotta say, I’m impressed.


The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.

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