What’s up Stoners!  The Stoner Mom Playlist is here to help you moms out there listen to something that may be new to you. Because I feel for moms that don’t get to listen to what they want to, once the days set in of listening to fairytales, clean disney stars, Katy Perry, and the rest of the questionable musical choices young children will make.

David was listening to this amazing remix of A Milli last week and I loved it so much, I had to share. As I wrote in this Motivational Monday post, this is one of my favorite songs by Lil Wayne! So this just takes that love, changes up the beat somewhat and adds some dope bass. I’m really not exaggerating about that bass. It’s queued up above, just click play. Top comment is “that bass hits harder than my dad” which is just… lol.

Sorry to say I don’t know who K Theory is but if everything sounds like this then uh… sign me up to follow you bro. This is something to blast on the way to the restaurant on date night. Wouldn’t that be funny? My husband wouldn’t be surprised but maybe for some of you…

Clearly I’m stoned at Starbucks writing this. With huge headphones on. Barely able to contain my booty shaking. I actually want to run to the car and smoke some weed but you know, the whole, will my shit get stolen or my seat get taken problem. I’m sure you’ve been there.

Don’t you compare me cause there ain’t nobody near me
They don’t see me but they hear me, they don’t feel me, but they fear me
I’m illy


Motivational Monday is The Stoner Mom’s weekly music post, whose goal is to introduce your mom to some non-dorky jams. In 2015 all songs are personal rap favorites. The Stoner Mom’s Playlist is found here and is a good one for getting stuff done in the house when the kids are gone. 


The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.

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