Good morning readers! Roll up a joint and come get high with me, it’s Stoner Sesh #6! Today’s video is a quickie, part of my bi-weekly video camera phobia treatment I am subjecting myself to. Music is the wonderful Team remix by YONAS.   Is there anything better than being super happy stoned listening to music? Maybe smoking a bong and hitting the vaporizer at the same time. That’s what I did while filming this last Sunday. No kids, just hubs and me, and I got so incredibly mega high that the last thirty minutes of stuff that I thought I was recording, I actually wasn’t recording. So um… that’s why it’s so short. Enjoy.


The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.

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