LA Chocolate strain review

Strain Review: LA Chocolate

Indica Dominant Hybrid
LA Confidential x Chocolope

LA Chocolate is a hard to find, indica dominant hybrid with strong pain killing capabilities. With an earthy and sweet aroma that pairs well with coffee, LA Chocolate feels like a decadent, chocolatey treat.


LA Chocolate was so good she didn’t last long here at casa de stoner. Dense and resiny, LA Chocolate is some mean sticky-icky. She carries the scent of earth and bittersweet chocolate, with a strong undertone of skunky goodness. LA Chocolate is fragrant and delicious. A long cure really brings out the diesel in this strain. Grinds up into soft fluffy bits, excellent for rolling a joint in the morning of a day that needs a little extra help.
LA Chocolate strain review

The High

As an indica leaning hybrid, one should expect some amount of drowsiness when medicating with LA Chocolate. I happen to be really susceptible to things that make me sleepy, and this strain was no different.

LA Chocolate starts in the head and drips down into the body, eliminating pain and anxiety on the way. It’s potent and “stoney” so not a strain to rely on when say, studying for your finals, but excellent for many other occasions. An instant mood lifter, LA Chocolate makes you euphoric, relaxed, and blissfully mellow. You’ll find yourself starting sound like a stoner when you’re flying with LA Chocolate, perma-positive and seeking “good vibes.” And you know what? The world needs a lot more of that, so go on with your stoned self.

LA Chocolate strain review Medical

LA Chocolate is an excellent choice for daytime pain management. It also brings on munchies, so those looking to increase their appetite may want to try it. Slightly anti-inflammatory, great for insomnia, and very good for anxiety. This is a hard one to find, so snatch it up if you happen to see it!




The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.