Welcome to MADAS. We hope you all had a wonderful turkey day. This week, we stondedly discuss bourbon. What is it? Why does everyone love it? What is sour mash? Listen as Blavid gives a riveting overview on bourbon! We also discuss Kathryn’s recent obsession with public discovery in a criminal case.

In Episode 110 | Bourbon

• Libation corner  1:44
• So what’s going on with you guys?  6:17
•Listener Letters  19:55
• Stoned Conversations with Blavid and Kathryn 28:51
• What’s going on in Kathryn’s Grow?  43:58
• Shoutouts!  48:56

It’s time to send in those listener letters people. The address is momanddadarestoned@gmail.com.

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1 Comment

  1. I live in BOURBON COUNTRY. I can smell the mash from the Beam distillery on a breezy day and one of my BFFs works at Kelvin Cooperage where they make the barrels, but did not know exactly what made it so special. Thanks for the awesome info!