We’re talking about siblings today on Mom & Dad are Stoned! The ones we were born with, the ones we made, and the ones we forced upon our children. How does being a sibling prepare you for parenthood? We’re not really sure, but we talk about it anyway. Plus, what to do when your family doesn’t think you should get a medical marijuana card. 

In Episode 37 of Mom and Dad are Stoned:

  • Way too much speculation about Dr. Phil
  • Ask The Stoner Mom: “Help! My family doesn’t think I should get a Medical Marijuana Card!”
  • How having a stepbrother try to kill you daily, shapes you as the man you are today
  • Steps we took to blend our kids successfully
  • What’s Going on in Dave’s Grow? Cloning!

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David’s IG | @coweedgrower

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The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.

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