This post was made in partnership with Smacked Shop. Read more about my sponsorship policy on my disclosure page

Another Week, Another Coffee Talk | Let’s wake, bake, and talk about life in this crazy 21st century world!

Gather round dear stoners, and let’s wake and bake! In this episode of Coffee Talk; CBD coffee, stoner t-shirts, David’s sick new job, and a very stoned stoner mom. Seriously, I blow such big clouds in this video that I completely white-out the screen several times! There’s also some new music talk, Super Nintendo news, and general life updates. Times are happy here at Casa de la Stoner, and I hope it shows!

Coffee Talk Notes

Stoner Gear from this episode:

Smacked Shop’s line of CBD products, including coffee |
7-10 oil shirt |

Media Mentioned in this episode

MADAS 63 | Marketing in the Marijuana Business

“oh god I miss you on my lips”
Venice Bitch by Lana del Rey

Aventine by Agnes Obel



The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.


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  2. Seriously, when my daughters started playing Legend of Zelda, it was so fun because there’s one version where you can partner up by WiFi and NFC. Anyway, it’s a bonding thing over something fun, more like friends than parent. These are the moments that future, adult relationships between parent and child are built. ???