Fruity Pebbles | STRAIN REVIEW

Granddaddy Purple x Tahoe Alien x Green Ribbon 

Fruity Pebbles is a powerful hybrid with some pretty amazing effects. Bright, colorful and as sweet as the cereal, this is a euphoric strain that will get you thinking about everything that’s wonderful about the world. Now that’s the healthy way to start the day.


Fruity Pebbles is a seriously danky strain, pungent enough to ‘out’ you if you don’t have proper storage. Don’t drive around with this one in your pocket, it’s a stinky one.

It’s gorgeous though! The buds I got from Potco here in Denver are ridiculously enormous. Fruity Pebbles is bright green and has lots of bright orange hairs.

The High

Here’s where it gets fun. A Fruity Pebbles high is euphoric and cheerful. Everything slightly interesting becomes fodder for deeper investigation. Fruity Pebbles is a perfect strain for a night in and a television show binge. How about a Game of Thrones marathon? Or movie night with the spouse? This is a wonderful strain for so many occasions, but be sure to plan for being higher than you’d expect. A Fruity Pebbles high lasts longer for me than other strains. Plan for a good three hours.


Fruity Pebbles works best on stress and depression, but also offers a fair amount of pain relief. The Granddaddy Purple in it can also creep in and relieve insomnia without completely knocking you on your butt.

I like to save Fruity Pebbles for daytime use on the weekends, when it doesn’t matter if I end up needing a nap midday. That way I reap the benefits of the euphoric and creative high of Fruity Pebbles, without worrying about the possibility of a crash after a few hours.

fruity pebbles strain review

fruity pebbles strain review

fruity pebbles strain review

fruity pebbles strain review


The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.

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