This post was made in partnership with Cannabolish. Read more about my sponsorship policy on my disclosure page.

Freshen Up The Stoner Den
Handling Cannabis Related Odor, Messes, and Clutter

As a mom with four active kids constantly coming and going, keeping my stoner den tidy, clean, and odor-free is a top priority. I work every day to keep my stoner habit discreet and clean, and I believe this practice goes hand in hand with a responsible cannabis lifestyle. In today’s post I’m sharing some tips on staying on top of your cannabis habits and making sure your home reflects responsible cannabis use. Hope you enjoy!

Controlling Cannabis Odor

First things first, how can a regular stoner keep their home smelling fresh when they smoke weed in it every day? Here are my tips for how I keep my home from smelling like a frat house:

  1. Embrace the Outdoors

    The absolute easiest way to keep your home from smelling like weed is to do your seshing outside.  If you can’t step out for your smoke sesh, work to bring the outdoors in. Whenever possible, set up your stoner area in a well-ventilated spot with windows or doors to the outside. Copious amounts of fresh air is the best way to minimize smoke and its lingering odor. Open the windows, exhale the smoke outdoors as much as possible, and simulate the movement of fresh air with fans. You can use fans to help push smoke out of windows and to move it around so the smell doesn’t linger in one area.

  2. Vaporize to Reduce the Smell of a Stoner Sesh

    I’m telling you guys, vaping is the responsible stoner parents best friend, and there’s no healthier way to consume cannabis flower than vaping it in a dry herb vaporizer. Because vaping involves zero combustion (fire), the method produces no smoke and none of the lingering odors that come with it. No smoke means significantly less smell and any one who has vaped cannabis flower knows how minimal and inoffensive the smell of vapor is. Vaping is one of the discreetest ways to partake and you’ll be doing your lungs a favor too. Check out some of my favorite dry herb vaporizers in The Stoner Mom Shop!

  3. Use Freshening Products Designed for Eliminating Odor

    A cruise down the right aisle at any Target or Wal-Mart will offer an array of great products designed specifically to target and eliminate odors. I use  a wax melter for handling regular household smells, but for the distinct smell of cannabis I use Cannabolish. Cannabolish is a plant-based room spray specifically formulated to combat the smell of cannabis with all natural ingredients.Cannabolish’s Cannabis Odor Removing Spray removes smoke odors using a safe, natural blend of water and plant oils with no toxic chemicals or fake fragrances. This is a natural product that is great for use in the home, and is safe to use around children and pets, with a non-aerosol, biodegradable spray and recyclable packaging.
    I’m also crazy about their odor-removing, naturally scented candle. So much so that lighting one has become a regular part of my stoner session ritual. I’ve always advocated for lighting a candle for a proper sesh, and Cannabolish takes that one step further with a candle made for reducing smoke odors. Their clean-burning soy-based candle removes odors using safe, natural ingredients, without toxic chemicals.

  4. Try an Air Filter or Air Purifier

    Another way I keep up on the odors in my home is to use air filters and air purifiers regularly. There are hundreds of different air filtering or purifying gadgets out there encompassing a huge range of vastly different types of products, but among those there are a few that I stand by and use daily. First, a handheld air filter like a Sploofy is an affordable and effective way to discreetly toke up. I keep mine in my bedroom where I can’t easily exhale smoke outdoors and it works well for that purpose. A Sploofy is the perfect size and price for small rooms, cars, apartments, or any space without good ventilation.

    For big time odor control use an air purifier with a HEPA filter, available on Amazon or at Target or similar stores. These are great for homes with pets, people with allergies, and yes, stoners. Get one just for the stoner den and it’ll go a long way to freshening up the place. I use this one and it’s worked well for several years.

Related Article: How to Smoke Weed without the Smell

Cleaning Up Cannabis Messes

A regular stoner habit means a certain amount of mess. We’re talking soot and ash, sticky black resin, and lose herb going everywhere, just to name some of the messier aspects of a stoner sesh. Here are my tips for keeping your stoner gear squeaky clean.

  1. Stay Stocked Up in the Essentials

    The absolute must-haves for any stoner are rubbing alcohol (90% isopropyl alcohol) and coarse salt like kosher salt. Those are the basics for cleaning resin-caked pipes, bongs, grinders, sticky concentrates and more. Both are inexpensive and available in your local grocery store. I also regularly use pipe cleaners and ziplock bags for soaking and scrubbing. Paper towels, rubber bands and cotton swabs are also handy to have.

  2. Clean your Glass and Vaporizers Regularly

    Everything works better when it’s clean, and that is no different for stoner gear. Regular maintenance is especially important for vaporizers. With many coming with high price tags, cleaning them regularly keeps vapor pathways clear and the device working properly. I also make it a priority to use clean glass and fresh water for every bong session, and I try to only store all of my bongs when they are clean and empty of water.

  3. Spilled Weed? Use a Vacuum Hose and Clean Sock to Salvage your Herb

    I learned this tip on a reddit post recently and my stoner brain couldn’t handle it. Spilling finely ground weed is a stoner rite of passage but it still sucks to lose your precious herb to the carpet. Make the best of it by holding a clean sock over the end of a vacuum hose. Vacuum the herb up with the sock-clad hose and be sure to hold the hose upright when you turn off the vacuum. Crisis averted! Obviously doesn’t work if you spill the cannabis on something foul, but definitely a trick to consider when the inevitable happens.

Staying On Top of Cannabis Clutter

I’m not going to talk too much about this topic just yet because I’m currently in the process of KonMari-ing my stoner collection and I want to share the process with you in a little more depth. What that means is that I’m actively working on evaluating my stoner gear, glass, and accessories, and am deciding what is truly worth keeping. Once I’ve got my stash trimmed down a bit I’ll focus on organizing it all and writing about the experience. Until then, here are some basic tips for handling cannabis related clutter.

  1. Have Designated Areas for your Storing your Stoner Gear

    Organization is all about having efficient spaces to best store and access our many things. To have the best handle on the entirety of your collection, keep your stoner gear in only a few designated areas that best suit the way you sesh. Because of the nature of my work I keep the majority of my cannabis related gear in my office area which I call my stoner studio. I also have an area in my bedroom closet where I keep supplies for night-time seshing once the kids are in bed. Each area has my stash of cannabis locked up securely, with my accessories safely stored in a cabinet.

  2. You Don’t Have to Keep Every Stoner Accessory you Receive

    In the beginning of our cannabis journey it’s common to hold onto every stoner accessory that comes our way. But as our experience with seshing and as our stash grows, it’s best to focus on efficient storage and smart use of space. Only keep the stoner stuff that you regularly use or that sparks some sort of personal joy. Use your space to stay stocked up in stoner essentials like extra bowls, rolling paper, ashtrays, and lighters. Re-gift the gear that you no longer need and help initiate a new stoner into the fold.

  3. Keep a Mystery Jar for Miscellaneous Ground Weed

    My good friend suggested this tip awhile ago and I’ve been dong it ever since. If you regularly switch between different strains you know the frustration of needing to empty a grinder so you grind up a new strain without mixing the two. This happens to me all the time and so I’ve started emptying my loose herb into one jar when I need an empty grinder. Over time you’ll end up with a blend of miscellaneous cannabis that is super potent and great for a fun “mystery sesh”.

Having good habits about cleanliness and safe storage is a central tenet of responsible cannabis use. Honor the place cannabis holds in your life by eschewing stereotypical slovenly stoner habits and keeping a high standard in your home. You’ll set a great example as a cannabis user and you’ll probably enjoy your stoner sessions even more.


The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.

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