

In which we learn how to feed our weed babies

Our cannabis plants become our babies, and few things get a new parent as worked up as proper nutrition. When you think about what we are asking these plants do, it becomes clear that their diet is extremely important. Nutrients are an essential part of your grow so they need their own episode on GrowCast. David has lots of opinions when it comes to nutrients and cannabis plants, and has handled them with both soil and hydro grows.

In GrowCast Episode 8:

  • Specific brands for specific growing mediums
  • When and how to introduce your plants to their new diet
  • What are nutrients and why do you need them?
  • The usual husband and wife banter, with the usual stoned coughing
  • Mixing nutrients, it’s not as difficult as the paranoid would think
  • More talk about the importance of buckets

nutrients (1)





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The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.

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